Workshops provide a forum for a group of (typically 25 to 40) participants to exchange opinions on topics related to any of the facets of dependable systems and networks. We welcome participation by professionals with diverse backgrounds who can contribute to advancing the technology and understanding of the workshop subject. Workshops are not alternative forums for full papers, which should be submitted to one of the two DSN symposia. Workshop attendance is open to all registered conference attendees. Each workshop may be a half day or one day in length.
Proposals for workshops are solicited. A workshop submission consists of a three-page proposal containing:
- the title of the workshop
- an outline of the theme, goals, and main challenges of the workshop
- a description of the desired number of participants, the participant solicitation and selection process, pre-workshop activities, planned workshop activities including length of time and required rooms, and expected workshop outputs;
- a brief description of each organizer's background, including relevant past experience with workshops.
Acceptance will be based on an evaluation of the workshop's potential for
generating useful results, the timeliness and expected interest in the topic,
and the proposers' ability to lead a successful workshop. Accepted workshops
will have a 2-page proceedings-format summary produced by the organizers of
each workshop in the Main Proceedings of the conference. Workshop
contributions (summaries, short papers, etc.) will be included in the
Supplement of the DSN Proceedings. Please email all workshop proposals
as Portable Document Format (.pdf), or Post Script (.ps) files to the
Workshops Chair at <>. Proposers of workshops will
be notified by November 12, 2005. Details and deadlines for submissions to
accepted workshops will be posted after November 13 on the DSN web site and
Neeraj Suri
TU Darmstadt, Germany
[email protected]
- Lisa Spainhower (IBM, USA)
- Phil Koopman (CMU, USA)
- Christof Fetzer (TU Dresden, Germany)
Submission: October 8, 2005
Notification: November 12, 2005